
Revi Karunakaran Memorial Museum

Revi Karunakaran Memorial Museum

Revi Karunakaran Memorial Museum

The Revi Karunakaran Memorial Museum in Alappuzha is one such rich repository of information from a bygone era.

Museums tell a lot about the unique characteristic features that make certain destinations special. They carry a wealth of information and are a source of great amusement to visitors who wish to understand a land in depth. The Revi Karunakaran Memorial Museum in Alappuzha is one such rich repository of information from a bygone era. This privately owned museum is more of a memorial – one that was built to commemorate and celebrate the life of the late Revi Karanukaran, who is considered to be the architect of the modernised coir industry in Kerala. 

The museum was constructed as a tribute to Mr. Revi Karanukaran by his wife Betty Karunakaran in the year of 2003. Located in the heart of the town of Alappuzha, the museum contains many precious possessions that makes it truly one of its kind. The ivory and crystal collections are among the largest to be found in Kerala. There is a rare collection of beautiful Tanjore paintings, along with a 200 sq.ft. mural made from vegetable dyes. There is a dedicated ‘Kerala room’ that showcases over 3800 special peaces that throw light in to the evolution of culture in this region. The museum is a must-visit for people who are passionate about art and culture.

How to Reach

By Road

By Road
Alappuzha Bus Stand, about 2.1 km
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By Rail

By Rail
Alappuzha Railway Station, about 2.4 km
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By Air
By Air
Cochin International Airport, about 81.5 km
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More Info

+91 477 224 2923

Adults: ₹200
Kids: ₹100

All days: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Holiday: Monday

Only offline booking is available

+91 477 224 2923

Adults: ₹200
Kids: ₹100

All days: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Holiday: Monday

Only offline booking is available

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